Deep Sentinel Thwarts Potential Intruder in Seattle Suburb

by | Mar 29, 2019

Deep Sentinel

Deep Sentinel virtual guards, the only home security system that provides live remote security guards protecting your home 24/7, recently scared off a potential intruder in Renton, Washington, a suburb of Seattle, while a frightened mother and child were inside the home.

The incident occurred March 4, 2019 during daylight hours, a common time for residential burglaries. A trespasser entered the property and wandered around the home, setting off Deep Sentinel’s next-generation AI cameras.

Jackeline, the young mother, was too overwhelmed trying to hide her children from the menacing figure outside the family’s home to stop and call 911. She didn’t have to.

Immediately, a LiveSentinel agent confronted the man via two-way speaker, informing him he was being recorded. The man abruptly left the property, while Deep Sentinel contacted the police. You can watch exclusive video of the incident below:



This particular home had been burglarized several times prior to Deep Sentinel being installed. The relieved husband and father, Anthony Nowell, has since spoken out about the incident:

“This is exactly why we got Deep Sentinel. The safety of my family is my number one priority and Deep Sentinel provides vital protection and peace of mind. This situation could have been much, much worse had Deep Sentinel not been there to intervene.”

Deep Sentinel’s Smart Home Surveillance System is an all-in-one home security system that combines next-generation wireless cameras, predictive local artificial intelligence and LiveSentinel™ 24/7 video surveillance guards. The company was co-founded by Dave Selinger, an Amazon AI & Deep Learning pioneer. Amazon Founder Jeff Bezos is also a key investor in the company.

“We are proud that we could provide a happy ending for the family in this incident,” said Dave Selinger, CEO and co-founder, Deep Sentinel. “When we set out to create Deep Sentinel, this is exactly the type of scenario we envisioned. We take pride in knowing that our solution works as advertised and that users are depending on us 24/7 to help keep their families and their homes safe.”

You can read more about the incident in the Renton paper, a local paper.

For more information on Deep Sentinel, check out home security cameras.

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