Law Enforcement Support

Deep Sentinel is dedicated to protecting communities and increasing police officer safety.

Deep Sentinel

How It Works

Deep Sentinel detects and reacts to crimes before involving the police. Here’s how.

  • The cameras instantly detect motion
  • The AI identifies potentially suspicious activity
  • LiveSentinels verify the activity is potentially criminal
  • LiveSentinels engage using 2-way audio and take next steps
Deep SentinelA Why “100% Verified” Matters to the Police
Deep Sentinel

Protecting Police Forces and Communities

Each call to the police is made by a highly trained security expert after evaluating a situation. Guards are trained to confirm activity that warrants a response and provide critical information to dispatch.

When Deep Sentinel guards contact law enforcement, they provide key information to increase situational awareness: count and location of suspects, suspicious behavior, potential threats to offer safety, and more.

Deep SentinelA Deep SentinelA Deep SentinelA
Keeping Police Safe No False Alarms Engaging Police When It Matters
Deep Sentinel

Crime Prevention, Not Reaction

Unlike any other home security system, Deep Sentinel aims to prevent crimes before they start—hopefully removing the necessity for officer involvement.

The Deep Sentinel guards are thoroughly trained in tiered response protocols and de-escalation techniques. When guards observe package theft, the early signs of a burglary in progress, or even someone lingering on a porch, they engage with Deep Sentinel’s HELLO protocol, ensuring any potential criminal knows we’re here and watching.

Deep SentinelA 2-Way Intervention Deters Trespasser, No Law Enforcement Escalation
Watch Actual Footage and 911 CallTitle

Officers had complete situational awareness, including the suspect description, his real-time location, and his current state of mind.

More Arrests

  • Officers were aware that there was a family inside the home at the time.
  • Dispatch could effectively prioritize this call based on this information.
  • Officers could effectively manage the level of escalation throughout the encounter and place the suspect under arrest without incident.
  • Unlike with an alarm, the suspect never broke into the home.
  • Unlike regular “dumb” cameras like Ring, the homeowner never had to interact with the police or the suspect.

We even help police departments arrest package thieves:

Deep SentinelA This department had been developing community relations with the targeted neighborhood. An officer was just blocks away from this package thief. They knew it wasn’t a priority 1 call, but since the officer was in the area, it was a successful dispatch that increased community trust in their local department.

Deep Sentinel

Enhance Community Security

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design

The best protection is discouraging criminal activity in the first place. Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) encourages intentional design choices that decrease the likelihood of crime. By applying the principles of CPTED, professionals like city planners, architects, and police officers can make entire communities safer. Learn about CPTED on the Deep Sentinel blog.

Deep Sentinel

Get Support

Because law enforcement agencies are key partners for Deep Sentinel, we provide several ways to get in touch. We even offer sample units for law enforcement officers and a giveaway unit for your department’s community engagement programs.

Request a Free System for Evaluation or Get More Information

Law Enforcement is a key partner for Deep Sentinel. We even offer sample units for law enforcement officers and a giveaway unit for your department’s community engagement programs. Update: No current wireless systems are available until November.