Woman Pursues Porch Pirate to Get Stolen Package

by | Jan 8, 2019

Deep Sentinel

Purloined Package Contained Crock Pot Lid

Carrying a big satchel slung over one shoulder and wearing boots, the thief may have been accessorized like Santa. But this was a bad Santa taking instead of leaving packages. That is until one resident got mad as hell and wasn’t going to take it.

“What’s wrong with you? Give me back my package!” the furious Colorado woman yelled to the porch pirate as she pursued her.

“I don’t have anything,” the suspect, yells back.

“Oh yes you do. Now hand it over,” Renee Abeyta of Lakewood, CO countered as she filmed the incident with her phone.

Running out of road and running out of breath, the suspect finally handed over the package.

The package contents?  A replacement crock pot lid, according to Yahoo News and other sources.

Pursuer Hopes Thief Deterred from Taking Others’ Packages

It all started when Abeyta was at home on a sunny cold weekday doing chores. She received a notification on her phone that a package was delivered. But opening her door, she glanced down at her porch. No package. Then she noticed a young blonde woman with a big leather satchel rapidly walking away. Abeyta put two and two together and took off after the woman, yelling to her to drop the package.

The suspected thief denied taking anything but broke into a run. Fueled by outrage, the resident soon gained on her and got back her package.

Although Abeyta suspected the thief had stolen other packages, she stopped pursuing her after she got her own package back. But she told the media that she hoped the incident would deter the thief and others from porch piracy.

“Hopefully that girl and other people don’t steal stuff because it’s Christmas and these are presents for people,” Abeyta said during an interview with Fox 31 Denver.

Ring and Other Passive Home Security Systems Put People at Risk

Apparently, Abeyta was notified about the package delivery and then saw the subsequent theft of the package via the app on her phone for her Ring home security system. But the system stopped short of protecting the package and Abeyta from the theft occurring. And it left Abeyta with no choice other than pursuing the thief herself or calling the police by which time the thief would have gotten away.

While we at Deep Sentinel applaud Abeyta’s bravery, we shudder to think what might have happened to her had the porch pirate been armed with a gun or working with accomplices who might have tackled Abeyta to stop her.

This is the fatal flaw we see with current home security systems. They passively record crimes while doing nothing to prevent them from occurring in the first place.

If Abeyta had a Deep Sentinel system, our AI-enhanced cameras would have detected the porch thief as soon as the perimeter of Abeyta’s front yard was breached. The camera would have alerted our trained security guards who would have seen the thief immediately on their video monitors. After questioning her purpose via two-way microphone, they would have yelled at her to scram before she even got to the porch. They can instantly call the police.

With Deep Sentinel, Abeyta need not have left her house and put herself at risk. And the thief might have been brought to justice before she could in fact have stolen anyone’s Christmas presents.  Call Deep Sentinel security system company today.

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