Rental Property Monitoring With Guards IncludedTitle

If you own an Airbnb, VRBO, or other short-term rental property, security is a major concern. Property owners across the country trust Deep Sentinel to protect their investment (and their guests) with powerful video surveillance. Smart security cameras and live professional monitoring combine to create the only rental property monitoring that prevents crimes.


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Rental Property Monitoring With Guards Included

Deep Sentinel

If you own an Airbnb, VRBO, or other short-term rental property, security is a major concern. Property owners across the country trust Deep Sentinel to protect their investment (and their guests) with powerful video surveillance. Smart security cameras and live professional monitoring combine to create the only rental property monitoring that prevents crimes.

Deep Sentinel


Crime Prevention for Your Rentals

See how our guards prevent crime.

Short-Term Rental Monitoring from Deep Sentinel

Rental property owners enjoy the benefits of Deep Sentinel for Business, which puts the power of a dedicated security team in your hands. Deep Sentinel is the only rental property monitoring service that stops criminals in their tracks through the power of AI and human intervention. It’s comprehensive security for the 21st century.

image of live sentinel guards intervene

Smart Security Cameras for Rental Properties

Motion-activated cameras capture every movement in fine detail. Meanwhile, the system’s onsite AI processor scans each frame to identify potential threats that warrant human involvement.

You’ll never be bothered by false alarms from local wildlife or blowing leaves.

protect false
Proactive Crime Prevention Zero False Alarms.

short term rental property with pool

Comprehensive After-Hours Protection

Once your guests turn in for the night, they want peace and quiet. And so do you.

Deep Sentinel monitors every corner of your property to keep intruders at bay. Plus, with Deep Sentinel for Business, you can place cameras indoors to protect common areas.

shield speak
Professional Security Guards Loudest 2-Way Speaker & Siren

short term rental property with pool

protect home

Comprehensive After-Hours Protection

Once your guests turn in for the night, they want peace and quiet. And so do you.

Deep Sentinel monitors every corner of your property to keep intruders at bay. Plus, with Deep Sentinel for Business, you can place cameras indoors to protect common areas.


notification protect
Threat Detection Outdoor and Indoor

Rental Property Security with Live Guards

You can’t have eyes on all of your rental units at one time. Let Deep Sentinel’s security guards and AI software do the watching for you. When trouble arises inside or outside your property, our guards react swiftly and effectively.



Deep Sentinel

Deep Sentinel Surveillance is based in the US.


See How Deep Sentinel Protects Your Investment PropertyTitle

Ensure the safety of your property and your guests with rental property monitoring. Deep Sentinel boasts unparalleled response times. Our guards contact local law enforcement within 30 seconds of a threat appearing on camera.

Deep Sentinel leads the industry for rental property security by seamlessly integrating AI and human intervention into our security cameras for business properties.

How It Works: Predict, Prevent, ProtectTitle

Deep Sentinel Business Security AI Detects Crime


① Cameras Detect

Deep Sentinel’s security cameras for rental properties start recording as soon as they detect motion. Footage is processed live from an onsite AI hub, which can detect threats in less than 2 seconds.

Deep Sentinel Business Security Ai Detects Crime


① Cameras Activate

When they detect motion, the cameras start recording within 2 seconds. Each frame undergoes rapid AI analysis to identify suspicious activity and dismiss non-threats. Say goodbye to false alarms!


Guards ActTitle

The system escalates suspicious activity to a remote security guard team. These professional guards evaluate the situation and intervene as necessary using 2-way speakers, sirens, and a swift call to the local police.

Deep Sentinel Business Security Live Guard Monitoring Center
Deep Sentinel Business Security Live Guard Monitoring Center

③ Police Respond

If needed, the guards engage local law enforcement within 30 seconds, staying on the line to provide critical real-time information. Plus, you can stay in the loop with mobile app notifications.

Deep Sentinel Business Security -Police Respond

③ Police Respond

If needed, the guards engage local law enforcement within 30 seconds, staying on the line to provide critical real-time information. Plus, you can stay in the loop with mobile app notifications.

Deep Sentinel

Rental Property Security Powered by Smart Technology

Old-school alarm systems and basic security cameras can’t prevent crime. At best, they can respond after the fact. And hiring security personnel to patrol each property isn’t practical.

The better solution: smart threat detection followed by remote verification and intervention. Deep Sentinel’s AI-powered cameras can spot suspicious behavior and alert a guard before the perp has time to act. It’s fast, powerful, and cost-effective protection.

Request Quote

What Are the Advantages of Rental Property Monitoring?Title

Traditional methods cannot adequately monitor rental properties. With such specific security needs and so much at stake, you need something better. Smart video surveillance from Deep Sentinel makes good business sense.

What Are the Advantages of Rental Property Monitoring?Title

Traditional methods cannot adequately monitor rental properties. With such specific security needs and so much at stake, you need something better. Smart video surveillance from Deep Sentinel makes good business sense.

a image of money Cost Effective Employing security personnel is expensive and time-consuming. Remote professional guards supported by AI technology offer the protection of a real human guard at a lower price point.


Deep Sentinel Comprehensive Coverage – Smart monitoring ensures continuous surveillance of every corner of the property. No more blind spots, shift changes, or downtime. Video monitoring offers broader protection and never misses a threat.

Deep Sentinel Smart Security Your rental property security system must outsmart intruders. Deep Sentinel cameras start recording the moment they detect motion, leveraging AI to filter out harmless activities and identify potential threats with precision.
Deep Sentinel Rapid Response – Deep Sentinel guards have eyes and ears on the scene. These guards promptly notify local law enforcement, providing real-time details of a confirmed crime, prompting swift police action.
Deep Sentinel Unparalleled Protection – Deep Sentinel pairs AI and human action with advanced surveillance cameras to provide the highest level of security. No threat goes unnoticed, providing the ultimate protection for your rental property.


a image of money

Cost Effective – Employing security personnel is expensive and time-consuming. Remote professional guards supported by AI technology offer the protection of a real human guard at a lower price point.

Deep Sentinel

Comprehensive Coverage – Smart monitoring ensures continuous surveillance of every corner of the property. No more blind spots, shift changes, or downtime. Video monitoring offers broader protection and never misses a threat.

Deep Sentinel

Smart SecurityYour rental property security system must outsmart intruders. Deep Sentinel cameras start recording the moment they detect motion, leveraging AI to filter out harmless activities and identify potential threats with precision.

Deep Sentinel

Rapid Response – Deep Sentinel guards have eyes and ears on the scene. These guards promptly notify local law enforcement, providing real-time details of a confirmed crime, prompting swift police action.

Deep Sentinel

Unparalleled Protection – Deep Sentinel pairs AI and human action with advanced surveillance cameras to provide the highest level of security. No threat goes unnoticed, providing the ultimate protection for your rental property.

thief with crowbar closeup

Deep SentinelTitle

Avoid playing “host” to crime.Title

Unoccupied units are appealing targets for intruders, and not every guest has good intentions. Prevent burglary, theft, vandalism, and more with rental property monitoring from Deep Sentinel.

“It has made such a huge difference… People are not loitering and not hanging around causing trouble because Deep Sentinel chases them away.”

Catherine Kobrinsky Evans, Property Manager, Salinas, CA

Customer Reviews

“This is real intervention.”

“Deep Sentinel is amazing. When a motion sensor on the security camera goes off, a remote guard reviews in real time and asks the intruder why they’re there. I also get a push notification and watch in the app.”

David, San Francisco, WA


“Well worth the money. I sleep better every night knowing someone is always watching my business!”

“Last night was the third time in less than 6 months they interrupted an intruder on my property. I recommend this product to anyone who is looking for surveillance that is monitored after hours for any type of business.”

Daniel Batchelor, CA

Owner of Elevation 2477

“Deep Sentinel has been instrumental in proactively preventing unlawful activity at several of our properties.”

“Their innovative technology provides excellent security and their team provides excellent customer service.”

Chris, Senior Associate

Pathfinder Partners

What Makes Deep Sentinel Different?Title

Typical security systems aren’t designed to protect short-term rentals like Airbnbs. These systems are slow, prone to errors, and difficult to manage from offsite. Deep Sentinel offers faster, more effective crime prevention than other rental property security options, plus a hands-off user experience.

Discover the Deep Sentinel Difference

Proactive Monitoring

Security guards watch criminals and intervene before they commit a crime.

No False Alarms

AI detection and human verification eliminate endless junk alerts.

Rapid Response

Guards contact your local police within 30 seconds of a threat appearing.

Easy to Manage

We respond to crimes on your behalf and keep you informed via mobile app.

Proactive Monitoring

Security guards watch criminals and intervene before they commit a crime.

No False Alarms

AI detection and human verification eliminate endless junk alerts.

Rapid Response

Guards contact your local police within 30 seconds of a threat appearing.

Easy to Manage

We respond to crimes on your behalf and keep you informed via mobile app.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the top security concerns for a short-term rental property?

As a rental host, you should be most worried about unoccupied units attracting crooks who notice that no one is around to witness or stop them. Research from Northeastern UniversityA suggests that areas with short-term rentals experience more crimes like burglary and theft from outsiders.

These intruders see an empty house as an invitation. And just because guests aren’t usually the perpetrator doesn’t mean that it can’t happen. Protect your units inside and out with Deep Sentinel’s security cameras for rental properties.


How do Deep Sentinel guards prevent crime at my rental property?

Deep Sentinel security cameras activate when they detect movement at your property and use AI to filter out non-threatening activity. Live guards take over to interact with suspects, trigger alarms, and promptly contact the police. Explore how Deep Sentinel worksA.

How do the guards know whether a guest, an employee, or a criminal is on my property?

If the system picks up on suspicious activity, the guards watch and assess the situation. In the event of a crime, the guards swiftly intervene, activate an alarm, and call your local police.

However, if the guards see “non-threatening” behavior, such as an employee cleaning, the guards communicate through the speaker in a non-elevated manner, addressing the individual’s purpose for being on the property. They can then explain their presence, which the guards verify with you, and employees can provide your account’s custom safe word.

You can always set custom monitoring hours or disable certain cameras through the mobile app to accommodate the schedules of guests, maintenance workers, and the like.

Can I view the footage and talk to visitors myself?

Our guards are happy to handle all of your security needs on your behalf, but we understand that you may want to interact with the system yourself. Using the Deep Sentinel for Business mobile app, you can watch and interact with people on camera the same way our guards do.


How is this service different from Deep Sentinel’s residential offerings?

Rental owners can enjoy Deep Sentinel for Business, which includes all the best features of our residential surveillance service plus extra business-only benefits. Besides being our guard’s highest priority, your property also receives:

  • Instant Intervention: Camera feeds reach our surveillance center within 10 seconds, depending on internet speeds. If any activity is present, the guards intervene immediately.
  • After-Hours Monitoring: Set custom monitoring hours in the Deep Sentinel app. You can easily change this setting with the click of a button.
  • Indoor Cameras: Upon approval, you can place Deep Sentinel security cameras indoors to protect your units inside and out.
What is the installation process?

Deep Sentinel offers two types of systems:

If you want our hard-wired PoE cameras or simply prefer professional installation, we can recommend a certified installer from our nationwide network.

Are Deep Sentinel’s solutions compliant with hosting policies?

Deep Sentinel prioritizes full and unambiguous compliance with all laws and policies that our customers must follow. Short-term rental owners may place cameras outdoors and in a unit’s indoor common areas. Cameras inside private spaces (bedrooms, bathrooms, etc.) are not permitted, and any such cameras will be deactivated until they are relocated. Remember to notify your guests about the cameras in their rental property.

Contact Us for a Free Rental Property Security Consultation

Call 1-833-983-6006 or email [email protected] for help in your buying decision.

Our security experts are happy to provide a free consultation and system quote. Get detailed information about how Deep Sentinel’s security cameras for rental properties stop crime at your property.