Meet the Deep Sentinel Guards: Demetrius
Most traditional alarm system companies like ADT or Bay Alarm staff their monitoring centers with minimally qualified phone reps. When an alarm goes off at your home, the best they can do is call you to check whether it was a burglar or a faulty sensor. That’s not very reassuring, right? With Deep Sentinel, a skilled professional is ready to jump in at the first sign of trouble. Our live security guards are experts in their fields, ranging from law enforcement to personal security to the military. They come to us as experts, and we train them to be criminal intervention specialists with the help of AI-powered security cameras.
So, who are these expert guards? Learn more about Demetrius, one of the surveillance guards at Deep Sentinel, who brings extensive law enforcement knowledge to the team.
Q&A with Demetrius, a Deep Sentinel Guard
Deep Sentinel: Tell us about your professional background.
Demetrius: I worked in law enforcement for over 20 years as a Deputy Sheriff and detention officer.
DS: What sort of training have you received through Deep Sentinel?
Demetrius: I’ve gotten training on when to intervene, what requires calling law enforcement, and different types of interventions.
DS: How do you know when to intervene and what to do?
Demetrius: I look for suspicious behavior and body language to see if it’s the customer requesting a response or if there’s a crime in progress.
DS: Do you have any particularly memorable interventions?
Demetrius: I intervened on a group of people trying to breach RMJ Merritt [a cannabis dispensary] … They weren’t able to breach the property. I felt a great deal of accomplishment.
DS: Why did you choose to work for Deep Sentinel?
Demetrius: [Deep Sentinel is a] very detail-oriented company. And it’s in the security field, which is my background.
DS: What do you enjoy most about working for Deep Sentinel?
Demetrius: The camaraderie and feeling like I’m making a difference. I enjoy the teamwork and feeling truly a part of something that’s helping keep people, homes, and businesses safe.
Need a Solution that Prevents Crime? Deep Sentinel is the only security technology that delivers the experience of a personal guard on every customer’s home and business. Visit or call 833-983-6006