What To Do When Someone Breaks Into Your House

by | Mar 29, 2022

Deep Sentinel

One of the worst nightmares for every homeowner is getting their house broken into. Imagine the horror of someone coming into your home and invading your privacy. You won’t ever feel secure again, especially not after the traumatic experience of a burglary. But this does not mean that you are helpless. You can do certain things to prevent a house break-in. Even in the worst case (if it occurs), you can still do something about it. Here’s what to do when someone breaks into your house.

What Can You Do Before a Break-In Happens?

Most folks have had worries about thieves or trespassers coming into our homes. But we are not as powerless as we think we are. There are plenty of things we can do to prevent this from happening to us. Here are some ways to prepare for a break-in.

  • Make a Plan: Creating a plan is crucial to securing your home and family. If an intruder is already inside your home and you don’t have a plan, you’ll be setting yourself up for disaster. That’s why having a plan before a break-in happens is necessary. This is so that you’ll be prepared and already know what to do when someone breaks into your house.
  • Discuss With Your Family Members: A good plan is created with the help of all of those involved. If you want everyone to be safe and sound, have a family meeting and discuss what each of you will do in case an emergency happens. For instance, set up a meetup spot, such as your neighbor’s home or a local park. Tell your neighbors (or whoever else you trust) that they’ll be your emergency contacts.
  • Know the Layout of Your House: If in the middle of the night you hear loud sounds in the kitchen, the first thing that would pop inside your head would be “someone is breaking into my house.” If you’re right, one thing that will save you is knowing the ins and outs of your property. Before someone breaks into your house, make sure that you know the perfect escape route.
  • Have Preventive Measures In Place: The best preventive measure you can take is installing a security system. It minimizes the risks of a thief breaking in or a home intruder burglarizing your house. Make sure that you set up and arm your system before you sleep. Aside from that, keep your cellphone charged. That way, you can always call the police in case anything happens. Also, have your car keys ready for a swift escape.

What Do You Do During A Home Invasion?

When the home intruder has already made it inside your home, don’t panic. Try your best to think with a clear mind. The thought of someone breaking in might be incredibly scary, but you need to keep calm in order to make smart decisions and stay safe. Below are some things that you can do during a home invasion:

  • Call the Authorities: This should be the first thing you do when someone has broken into your home. Aside from trying to get out of the house ASAP, you need to call 911 and tell them about your situation so local authorities can head to the property.
  • Get Out of the House: You need to get out of your house as quickly as you can. Through your front door, back door, or even through your window, you must get out of the home. This is important in case the burglars have weapons.
  • Hide or Barricade Yourself: If escaping is not an option for you, hide from the home intruder. This is possible if there are areas in your house with heavy locking doors. Barricade yourself in these rooms until everything is safe. You can come out when police officers arrive. 
  • Arm Yourself If Possible: You have every right to defend yourself from harm. If you cannot escape or hide, the next option would be to arm yourself with a weapon. It can be a baseball bat, a licensed firearm, or whatever you have access to. Do your best to fight the home intruder.

A Better Way to Protect Your Home

Are you looking for the optimal way to protect your home? Deep Sentinel’s surveillance security cameras offer AI threat detection, which analyzes suspicious behavior in real-time and streams it to live security agents. With guards on duty at your home 24/7, Deep Sentinel prevents burglaries or home invasions from happening. You’ll never again need to worry about what to do when someone breaks into your house.

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