Deep Sentinel Scares Off Home Intruder Again

by | Mar 29, 2019

Deep Sentinel

Surveillance Agent Gets Intruder to Leave Via Remote Technology

For the first time ever, a new lightning fast one-two combo of artificial intelligence and human intervention stopped a potential home intruder in his tracks. And even better yet, prompted him to turn tail and run. As a result, no harm came to the frightened young mother inside the Seattle-area home with her three young children, including a new-born infant.

So move over, Batman and Robin. There’s a new dynamic duo on the crime-fighting scene. Deep Sentinel’s system breakthrough is among the first ever to harness deep machine learning to collaborate with humans on crime prevention and intervention.

Newest Home Security Technology Aces First Real-Life Test

Deep Sentinel’s new home security system launched in February 2019. As proved this week, it successfully empowers 24/7 trained surveillance agents to intervene to stop a crime in progress. Without missing a beat, the agents also can speedily summon local police to a home. A resident does not need to be home or even on the app. Once Deep Sentinel’s AI-enhanced cameras alert Deep Sentinel’s surveillance agents, they take it from there. This feature proved to be an important one in the system’s first ever real life test this week. Jackeline Nowell, the young mother, was too overwhelmed trying to hide her children from the menacing figure outside the family’s home to stop and call 911.

She didn’t have to. The Deep Sentinel agent called the police for her after chasing off the would-be intruder. In a nutshell: the system works!

Husband At Work During Daytime Crime Attempt

Jackeline’s husband Anthony Nowell was at work when the suspect approached the family’s home in broad daylight on a weekday morning. Deep Sentinel’s phone app notified Jackeline that someone was outside the home, according to an account of the incident in the Renton Reporter, a local paper.

Looking up, she saw a shadowy figure at the window. She immediately began trying to gather up her three young children to head for a safe hideaway in the home. At the same time, she texted her husband about what was happening. He could hear the youngest, an infant, crying in the background.

But the app had also alerted Deep Sentinel’s remote live security agents and activated their screens to zero in on the Nowell’s home.

Deep Sentinel Agent Confronts Intruder Through Camera Microphone

“Sir, this is Deep Sentinel Security. Is there something I can help you with?” the agent can be heard in the camera’s recorded video addressing a man in a hooded windbreaker lurking around the home.

“Sir, this is Deep Sentinel Security,” the agent repeats except this time adding, “Your image is being recorded.”

The man, who was carrying a paper shopping bag, mutters something inaudible and walks off.  Deep Sentinel agents also are equipped with a one-button push to summon the police as the agent did in this situation.

With experienced trained agents monitoring and quickly assessing each situation, Deep Sentinel promises “no false alarms.”  Police often refuse to respond to alarms triggered by simple home alarm systems because they mostly prove to be a waste of their resources. Almost 96 percent of 911 calls last year were false alarms in Renton, WA, the Seattle suburb where the incident occurred.

That was why the Nowells, whose new home was broken into twice before they moved in last month, chose Deep Sentinel. The fact that Nowell works in tech gave him additional confidence in the new artificial intelligence aspects of the system.

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