The Future of Business Security: Trends and Predictions

by | Dec 29, 2023

The Future of Business Security - Trends and Predictions

Picture this: You’re a business owner, eager to take a well-deserved vacation. As you depart, small worries plague you… What if your business faces a break-in while you’re away? What if cybercriminals target your data? Or what if a fire engulfs your premises? These are very real concerns. Fortunately, business security is continually evolving to provide more comprehensive protection than ever before. As an owner, you need to be on top of emerging business security trends and technologies so you know what to invest in over the coming year.

Top 5 Business Security Trends for 2024 and Beyond

In a recent report, Security System News revealed some eye-opening statistics that shed light on the changing landscape of business security. It found that 46% of companies surveyed plan to significantly increase their physical security budgets over the next 12 months. But it doesn’t end there. A whopping 42% of respondents are looking to invest in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and AI-powered surveillance over the next five years.

It’s clear that businesses are not only recognizing the importance of security but also embracing cutting-edge tech to safeguard their assets and data. Let’s dive into five trends that are shaping the future of business security.

Trend #1: The Rise of Smart Security Devices

Imagine a world where your security system is more than just a watchful eye—it’s a smart guard that communicates with you in real time. That world is here with the surge in smart security devices. These tools connect to the internet, allowing businesses to monitor and control their security remotely.

Smart business security cameras are the trailblazers, watching over the interior and exterior of your property. They detect motion, send instant alerts to your phone, record the scene, and use AI to discern whether the activity on camera could pose a threat to your business. (Deep Sentinel takes this a step further by adding human guards into the smart tech loop via security camera monitoring.)

Meanwhile, smart door locks let you grant access to authorized personnel remotely through an app or a passcode. No need for physical keys that can be lost or stolen. Smart access control systems track the movement of people, inventory, and vehicles, enhancing your ability to identify and prevent unauthorized access.

But it’s not just about the convenience. Smart security devices offer businesses a multitude of benefits:

  • They cut down on security costs by reducing the need for on-site guards and traditional security measures.
  • They boost efficiency by providing real-time insights into your premises’ security, enabling you to respond promptly to potential threats.
  • Above all, they provide unparalleled peace of mind, assuring you that your business is protected, even when you’re far away.

Smart security devices are still a relatively new technology, but they are quickly gaining popularity among businesses. As smart technology continues to develop, we can expect to see even more innovative and effective solutions emerge.

Trend #2: The Increasing Importance of Cybersecurity

The digital age has brought tremendous benefits, but it has also opened the floodgates to cyber threats. Companies of all sizes are at risk of cyber attacks, and hackers are constantly coming up with sophisticated new ways to breach your security. Common online security threats include malware, phishing, and ransomware.

Malware—which can be spread via email attachments, infected websites, or USB drives—can damage computer systems and networks. Phishing is a type of social engineering in which cybercriminals attempt to trick individuals into revealing sensitive information. And then there’s ransomware, which is malicious software that encrypts your files and requires a ransom to release them.

The consequences of a cyberattack are severe, including financial losses, data breaches, and reputational damage. Companies should adopt a layered cybersecurity strategy to protect against it. Your strategy should include implementing firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and anti-virus software, as well as securing sensitive data and training employees to recognize and prevent threats.

Trend #3: The Growing Need for Physical Security

Even in the digital age, physical security remains important. This involves protecting people, property, and assets from physical threats like theft, vandalism, and violence.

Theft—in which criminals steal inventory, money, and/or equipment—is the most common crime committed against a business. Vandalism can cause property damage and affect buildings, vehicles, and other valuable assets. And violence, of course, can be life-threatening.

Companies use a variety of strategies to enhance physical security, such as installing access control systems, hiring security guards, implementing perimeter intrusion detection systems, and investing in business security cameras.

Security guards act as a deterrent and quick response to incidents, albeit at a very steep price. Access control systems monitor who can access restricted areas. Perimeter security systems use sensors and fences to prevent unauthorized access to your property. And surveillance cameras put a set of “eyes” on the scene (reminding criminals that someone is watching) and can easily integrate with other deterrents, such as sirens, haze, or pepper spray machines.

As always, the best security is layered security. Savvy companies install a combination of live monitored cameras, access control systems, and other compatible devices to provide optimal protection from various threats.

Trend #4: The Adoption of Artificial Intelligence

The rise of artificial intelligence is transforming commercial security. AI-powered solutions can identify security threats and respond quickly and effectively.

AI detects threats by analyzing complete sets of data to find patterns and anomalies that could indicate a security breach. It also streamlines incident response by automating certain tasks, helping businesses react more effectively to threats. The best AI uses predictive insights to prevent future attacks. In addition, AI improves access control by providing non-invasive user identification with remarkable accuracy.

For instance, businesses are using AI security cameras to detect and deter unauthorized access, sending alerts to the owner’s smartphone if the system notices any suspicious behavior. Intrusion detection systems are equipped with AI to monitor networks for suspicious activity and alert security or I.T. personnel. Some companies are even using AI-powered check-in systems with facial recognition technology to verify employees’ identities.

AI-powered security solutions offer improved threat detection, reduced costs, and a more holistic, proactive approach to security. With AI on your side, your business security becomes smarter and more efficient. The applications of AI are seemingly limitless and rapidly expanding, so keep an eye out over the coming months and years for solutions that suit your business needs.

Trend #5: The Rise of Cloud-Based Security Solutions

Cloud-based security solutions are gaining momentum as they offer scalability, accessibility, and affordability. These solutions are hosted on cloud providers’ infrastructure and can be quickly adjusted to meet your business’s changing needs. Accessible from anywhere with an internet connection, they are ideal for businesses with remote workers or multiple locations.

Businesses are using cloud-based firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and email security solutions to protect their networks. Cloud-based firewalls guard against unauthorized access and malicious traffic, while intrusion detection systems monitor networks for suspicious activity, alerting security personnel to potential threats. Cloud-based email security solutions filter out spam and phishing attacks, keeping your employees safe from email-borne threats.

While cloud-based security solutions offer numerous benefits, they also come with challenges. Trusting your cloud provider with your data is a significant consideration—so do your due diligence before signing on the dotted line. These solutions can also be complex to configure and manage. However, as awareness grows, more businesses are likely to adopt them in the future.

Keep Ahead of Business Security Trends with Deep Sentinel

By staying up-to-date with the latest security business security trends, technologies, and solutions, companies can upgrade their security position and reduce the risk of falling victim to breaches.

Deep Sentinel protects businesses across the United States by integrating a cutting-edge AI security camera system with live human guards. The system uses AI to detect and evaluate on-camera activity in mere seconds, instantly alerting live guards of potential threats. It’s the future of security, today.

So, whether you’re off on a well-deserved vacation or managing your day-to-day operations, Deep Sentinel will keep you safe, secure, and worry-free.

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Deep Sentinel is the only security technology that delivers the experience of a personal guard on every customer’s home and business. Visit or call 833.983.6006.

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